In “Before The Fall”, we saw more of Uematsu’s 1.0 tracks returning, this is also the case for the “Far Edge of Fate”, and there was Basiscape’s Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together work contained on that album – that was added for the Palace of the Dead. Like the previous “Before the Fall”, and “Far Edge of Fate” releases – not every single track on here is original material written by Soken. I’m pleased to announce that the soundtrack contains all tracks added from Patch 4.0 – 4.3 a whopping 105 tracks in total! Does Stormblood really compare to the extremely fitting music of Heavensward? Regardless, a year has passed since the expansion released – and much and more music has been amassed since then.

What took them so long? Back in the PlayStation era, I guess it wasn’t exactly rare that a soundtrack release wouldn’t come until a full year after – but now, it usually takes a month. Finally, it’s here! The FFXIV Stormblood soundtrack is in my hands.